gbXML version 0.33 - created by GeoPraxis, Inc. Change Log: 0.33 4/03/02 ObjectId changed - objectIdRef attibute added, and optional CartesianPoint element added 3/18/02 powerUseTypeEnum enumeration added - Undefined valueTypeEnum changed - Historical and Rated were removed, Simulated was changed to Derived, documentation was added 2/13/02 Removed stageTypeEnum enumeration Removed stages attribute - it was determined that this was used to describe flow Added enumerations to flowControlTypeEnum enumeration 2/12/02 Added flowControlTypeEnum enumeration Added flowControlType attribute to the Control element 1/22/02 Added MinOverMax enumeration for flowUnitEnum to allow for minimum flow ratio Changed kWPerkW enumeration for efficiencyTypeEnum to kWinPerkWout for clarity Changed AirLoopEquipment/DeltaP to have a maximum of 2 elements to allow for cooling and heating coils Added HotWaterSupply and LeavingHotWater to TempType enumerations Changed operationType attribute of Efficiency from condiotioningTypeEnum to powerUseTypeEnum to be consistant with Power/@type Added required powerType attibute to Efficiency - this will allow us to know which power to assign an efficincy to 1/17/02 Changed OperationRange to optional 1/15/02 Added PolyLoop element to RectangularGeometry for describing polygons Changed CartesianPoint element to allow only two Coordinate elements for describing flat geometry Added PeakDomesticHotWaterFlow element to Building Created PeakDomesticHotWaterFlow element Moved simple type elements into complex type elements - easier to find correct element Added enumeration to conditionTypeEnum 1/14/02 Made HydronicLoopId repeatable in AirLoopEquipment and HydronicLoopEquipment Added Name and Description as optional elements to the Results element 1/10/02 Created heatGainTypeEnum enumeration and assigned it to the PeopleHeatGain element Created PeopleHeatGain element and added it to the Space element Removed TotalPeopleHeatGain and PeopleLatentHeatGain elements Added systemType attribute to the AirLoop element, and added systemTypeEnum enumeration Removed Lighting element from gbXML root element Replaced LightId in Campus and Building elements with Lighting elements that refrence LightingSystem elements directly Changed InfiltrationFlow/@type to optional Added an optional HydronicLoop/@primaryLoopId attribute 0.32 12/12/01 Changed xsd:any namespace="##any" to ##other for GeneralGeometry and Meter elements 12/10/01 Removed gbXML/CreatorPersonInfo and gbXML/CreatorCadInfo Created Surface/RectangularGeometry and Opening/RectangularGeometry and their children Created gbXML/DocumentHistory and its children Updated schema to version Changed enumerations for spaceTypeEnum to remove spaces and slashes Changed Results/@timeIncrement to type xsd:duration as required for the 2001 schema specification 0.31 8/1/01 Added HydronicLoopId to AirLoopEquipment element 7/26/01 Added Control element to equipment elements Added FlowControl element to HydronicLoop element Added PressureControl element to AirLoop element Added TemperatureControl element to both loop elements Added enumerations to tempTypeEnum 7/25/01 Added xmlns to schema element Added conditioningTypeEnum Changed enumerations for efficiencyTypeEnum Changed enumerations for resourceTypeEnum Added stadardsTypeEnum Added DependantValue element Added IndependantValue element Removed XValue element Removed YValue element Added RefrigerantType to AirLoopEquipment element Changed structure of Data element Added attributes to DeltaP element Added conditionType attribute to DeltaT element Made Name and Description elements optional in the DependantVariable element Added minValue and maxValue attributes to the DependantVariable element Changed structure of the Efficiency element Allowed up to 2 IndependantVariable elements in the Equation element Added fluidType attribute to the HydronicLoop element Changed structure of HydronicLoopEquipment element Made Name in IndependantVariable element optional Changed structure of MinFlow element Added id attribute to the Performance element Changed structure of PointData element 7/9/01 Added hydronicLoopType to HydronicLoopId Added HydronicLoopId to HydronicLoopEquipment 7/3/01 Added ShadeControl to Opening Added ShadeSchedule, SolarOnOpening, HorizontalSolar, AirTempature, ZoneCoolingLoad, and Glare to ShadeControl Added attributes, enumerations, and documentation for these new elements Removed frameIdRef, blindIdRef, GlazeId, GapId from Opening - they are redundant and already contained in WindowType 0.30 6/28/01 Changed Results element Removed MaterialType - it did not add information 0.29 4/30/01 Added StreetAddress element to Building - removed Location. Changed SIResults element to useSIUnitsForResults. Made several attributes at the gbXML level required instead of defaulting to SI. Campus/@buildingType removed - Building/@buildingType required. Changed SpaceId element to AdjacentSpaceId. Moved CADObjectId after PlanarGeometry in the Opening element. Made PlanarGeometry/@id optional. Removed shadeTypeEnum (no longer used). 4/27/01 Added annotation to several elements and attributes. Added Enum to the end of enumerations to clarify distinction between 'type', meaning simple type (used for enumerations) and 'type', used in classifying an object (example: buildingType, surfaceType). 0.28 4/12/01 Added uValueUnit. Made exposedToSun default = true. 4/10/01 Changed sequence of gbXML, Campus, Building, Surface, and Location children. Added more of a description for Location. Made Building/@id, Surface/@id optional. Moved Surface to be child of Campus. Added enumerations to conditionType. Changed ShadingSurface element to ExposedToSun boolean attribute. Renamed SpaceRef to SpaceId, @spaceRef to @spaceIdRef Removed Name and Description from PlanarGeometry. Added explicit right-hand-rule documentation to the PolyLoop element. Constrained PolyLoop to at least 3 CartesianPoints. Constrained CartesianPoint to exactly 3 Coordinates. Added @lengthUnit, @areaUnit, @volumeUnit, and @temperatureUnit to the gbXML element. Changed documentation for Latitude and Longitude. 4/6/01 Added targetNamespace. Removed gbXML/@version. Made gbXML/@id optional. Removed GeoPraxisEAM from gbXML/@engine. Renamed gbXML/SI to gbXML/SIResults and added documentation. Removed @unit from Latitude and Longitude and made simple type - must be in decimal degrees. Added global enumerations to be called out elsewhere. 0.27 2/13/01 Removed buildingType attribute from Space. Added spaceType attribute to Space. Changed FloorArea to Area. Changed CADObjectIdRef attribute to CADObjectId element to allow for multiples. Changed to surface-centric model. Changed Geometry to PlanarGeometry, ShellGeometry, and GeneralGeometry 2/12/01 Changing from X3D elements to ifcXML elements. Removed X3D element. Placed in alphabetical order. Seperated complex types from simple type elements. Changed back to sequence type - all had unusable restrictions. 0.26 2/7/01 Replaced sequence types with type all. Removed empty sequence elements. ifcXML namespace is Enumerations Coefficient of Performance Energy Efficiency Ratio Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency Heating Seasonal Performance Factor Thermal Efficiency Motor Efficiency Fan Efficiency Mechanical Efficiency Boiler Efficiency Use this enumeration when the only information available is a minimum flow ratio, the ratio of minimum flow to maximum flow. Department of Energy Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute American National Standards Institute National Electical Manufacturers Association Variable Temperature Packaged Single-zone Ceiling Induction Constant-volume Reheat Fan Variable-volume Fan Powered Induction Unit Packaged Variable Air Volume Packaged Variable-Volume, Variable-Temperature Ceiling Bypass Evaporative Cooling Multizone Fan Packaged Multizone Dual-duct Fan Fan Coil Induction Unit Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Water Loop Heat Pump Residential with cycling furnace and cycling air-conditioner Residential Variable-Volume, Variable-Temperature Floor Panel Heating Heating and Ventilating Unit Heater Unit Ventilator Use this value type for values that were calculated, simulated, or estimated. Use this value type for values that were directly or indirectly measured. Analysis engine used This attribute specifies the default temperature unit for the entire gbXML document, wherever the temperatureUnit simple type is used. This attribute specifies the default length unit for the entire gbXML document, wherever the lengthUnit simple type is used. This attribute specifies the default area unit for the entire gbXML document, wherever the areaUnit simple type is used. This attribute specifies the default volume unit for the entire gbXML document, wherever the volumeUnit simple type is used. Results will be given in SI or IP units. True = SI units, which is the implied default. If False, results will be in english units. Absorptance of the outside surface ID for a space that is bounded by this surface. The AirLoop element represents the equipment serving one path of air A piece of equipment serving an air-loop. This is generalized to be able to contain any type of air loop equipment. ID pointing to an air loop Minimum air temperature before shades are closed. Reflectance of solar radiation Alternative energy source Specifies the area of the space or building. This value should be equal to the area enclosed by the physical boundries of the space, as defined by the intersection of the horizontal plane at the highest floor height and the volumetric model's vertical interior surface planes. Building area should be the sum of space areas whose PeopleNumber element values are greater than zero. The number of degrees from north the outside of the surfaces is rotated in relation to the bottom-left corner. Type of ballast used Month and day year scedule begins Leakage value obtained from blower door test. Use this element to define the shell of the building. ID used by a CAD program to reference its internal materials library The CADObjectId Element is used to map unique CAD object identifiers to gbXML elements. Allows CAD tools to read results from a gbXML file and map them to their CAD objects. The Campus element should be used as the base for all physical objects. On a campus, place one or more buildings. ID for the weather data used for a heating design day ID for the weather data used for a cooling design day This is the x, y, and z distances from the origin. This element must have three Coordinate elements when representing 3-d space, which represent x, y, and z in order. This element must have two Coordinate elements when representing 2-d space. IfcCartesianPoint Cooling degree days. CDD is calculated as the number of degrees a mean daily temperature is above a value (specified as the Temperature element), for each day. For example, if the mean temperature in a region rises to 77 degrees for three days during a year, the rest of the time staying below 75, and the Temperature element is set at 75, then CDD = 6. Cooling degree day value This is an element from ifcXML that describes a collection of faces that make up a closed shell. IfcClosedShell The coefficient of utilization is the ratio of luminous flux on a workplane to the luminous flux emitted by the lamps alone. Room cavity ratio is a measure of the room cavity proportions. Conductivity as a function of temperature A Construction is a combination of layers, such as a wall or a roof Use this attribute to reference objects in the DOE2 library The Control element should be used for describing how this equipment is controlled. Use the flowControlType attribute to describe how the air or fluid flow is controlled. Flow is usually controlled at fans, pumps, vents, or valves. This is the an x, y, or z length measurement from the origin. IfcLengthMeasure Denotes the time this file has been created, as well as the person and program used to create this file. Number of operation cycles per week. ID for operation schedules Allows for including daylight savings time Set of values that define the profile of one 24 hour period divided equally to the number of values entered. Heating design day dry bulb temperature range Day of the month that the heating design day occurs on Flag for daylight savings on the cooling design day Flag for daylight savings for the heating design day Cooling design day dry bulb temperature Heating design day dry bulb temperature Cooling design day dry bulb temperature range Heating design day dry bulb temperature range Ground temperature on the cooling design day Ground temperature for the heating design day Cooling design day hour of high temperature Heating design day hour of high temperature Cooling design day hour of low temperature Heating design day hour of low temperature Month the cooling design day lands on. 1=Jan, 12=Dec Month that the heating design day occurs on. 1=Jan, 12=Dec Cooling design day atmospheric pressure Heating design day atmospheric pressure Flag for rain on the cooling design day. 0=no rain, 1=rain Heating design day rain flag. 0=no rain, 1=rain Cooling design day sky clearness Heating design day sky clearness Flag for snow on the cooling design day. 0=not snowing, 1=snowing Heating design day snow flag. 0=not snowing, 1=snowing Cooling design day wet bulb temperature Heating design day wet bulb temperature Cooing design day wind direction Heating design day wind direction Cooling design day wind speed Heating design day wind speed Difference in pressure Use this attribute for conditioning units with both heating and cooling. Use this attribute to point to a performance curve, if one is provided Difference in temperature Use this attribute for conditioning units with both heating and cooling. Density as a function of temperature Value of a dependant variable for this data point Use minValue and maxValue to define constraints on the curve. Design temperature for cooling Design temperature for heating Contains details about people and programs that created and modified this file Use the standardsType attribute when the efficiency is measured at standard conditions. Use this attribute for conditioning units with both heating and cooling. Use this attribute to point to a performance curve, if one is provided Electric load Height above sea level Infra-red emmisivity Month and day year schedule ends ID for a resource meter The Equation element allows data for n-dimensional algebraic data to be entered. The Expression element should contain an indepentant variable followed by an = sign and an equation containing dependant variables. The independant and dependant variables are then defined by their respective tags. The only mathmatical operations allowed are ^ (power), + (addition), - (subtraction), / (division), and * (multiplication). Example: z=x+2*y^2 would have an IndependantVariable with a name = z, and two DependantVariables with names of x and y. Descriptions would be included for each variable, along with unit and dataType information identifying the variable and its role. Amount of power used by equipment in a given area External equipment. This is generalized to be able to contain any type of external equipment. ID for the schedule of transmittance of a shading surface ID pointing to a hydronic loop ID pointing to an air loop Use this element to describe how the fluid flow is controlled. The temperatures specified in this element should be measured just upstream of the chiller. Use this attribute to reference objects in the DOE2 library Space between window panes Use this attribute to reference objects in the DOE2 library ID for a gap between window panes This element has been left open for use with other geometry definitions, such as X3D or BLISXML. Minimum amount of glare to trigger the shades to close Properties of one layer of a window Use this attribute to reference objects in the DOE2 library ID indicating the type of glaze used Monthly ground temperatures, 12 values Heating degree days. HDD is calculated as the number of degrees a mean daily temperature is below a value (specified as the Temperature element), for each day. For example, if the mean temperature in a region drops to 64 degrees for four days during a year, the rest of the time staying above 65, and the Temperature element is set at 65, then HDD = 4. Amount of horizontal solar radiation striking the opening before a shade is closed. The HydronicLoop element represents the equipment serving one path of water, or other liquid Only use this attribute for secondary loops to reference the primary loop. A piece of equipment serving a hydronic loop (most commonly a water loop). This is generalized to be able to contain any type of hydronic loop equipment. Use this element to point to another loop. For instance, if this is a chiller and is a child of a chilled water loop, use this element to point at a cooling water loop. ID pointing to a hydronic loop Type of hydronic loop This is an X3D element to map a texture to this material. From X3D specification: The ImageTexture node defines a texture map by specifying an image file and general parameters for mapping to geometry. Texture maps are defined in a 2D coordinate system (s, t) that ranges from [0.0, 1.0] in both directions. The bottom edge of the image corresponds to the S-axis of the texture map, and left edge of the image corresponds to the T-axis of the texture map. The lower-left pixel of the image corresponds to s=0, t=0, and the top-right pixel of the image corresponds to s=1, t=1. Specifies location of the image. From X3D specification: The texture is read from the URL specified by the url field. When the url field contains no values, texturing is disabled. Browsers shall support the JPEG and PNG image file formats. In addition, browsers may support other image formats (e.g. CGM) which can be rendered into a 2D image. Support for the GIF format is also recommended (including transparency). From X3D specification: If repeatS is TRUE, the texture map is repeated outside the [0.0, 1.0] texture coordinate range in the S direction so that it fills the shape. If repeatS is FALSE, the texture coordinates are clamped in the S direction to lie within the [0.0, 1.0] range. From X3D specification: If repeatT is TRUE, the texture map is repeated outside the [0.0, 1.0] texture coordinate range in the T direction so that it fills the shape. If repeatT is FALSE, the texture coordinates are clamped in the T direction to lie within the [0.0, 1.0] range. Value of the independant variable for this data point ID for the schedule of transmittance of a shading surface Flow of air through building envelope Thermal resistance of the internal air film in a layer Interior equipment. This is generalized to be able to contain any type of internal equipment. ID for the schedule of transmittance of a shading surface ID pointing to a hydronic loop ID pointing to an air loop ID pointing at an interior equipment object Type of lamp used Degrees east of Greenwich, in decimal degrees. Locations west of Greenwich are negative. A Layer is a combination of one of more materials Use this attribute to reference objects in the DOE2 library ID identifying a layer in this construction. Multiple layers in Constructions are in order from outside to inside. ID for the schedule of transmittance of a shading surface Identifier pointing at a light object ID for a resource meter Amount of power used by lighting in a given area The Location element describes the location of the global origin for this campus. This element can be used in a general sense by using the Name and Description elements for a physical address or landmark, or Location can be made precise by specifying the Elevation, Longitude, and Latitude of the origin. Degrees north of the equator, in decimal degrees. Locations south of the equator are negative. Type of luminaire used Use this attribute to reference objects in the DOE2 library ID identifying a material in this layer. Multiple materials in layers are in order from outside to inside. Description of a resource measurement ID for a resource meter Minimum flow Denotes the time this file has been modified, as well as the person and program used to modify this file. Natural ventilation does not occur above this temperature. Natural ventilation does not occur below this temperature. Occupancy dependence of natural ventilation. If true, then natural ventalation only occurs when people are present. Outside air flow per area Outside air flow per person Indicates which object or objects the results apply to, if any. Optionally, a point on that object can be specified Indicates a point on the object, relative to the local coordinate system specified in the object's RectangularGeometry element. Identifier pointing to a construction Schedule of operation for a piece of equipment. For heating and cooling equipment (such as a boiler or chiller) this is the availability schedule, the schedule of temperatures that, when reached, the piece of equipment will be available. Use this element to report overall domestic hot water use for the domestic hot water loop referenced with the hydronicLoopIdRef attribute. The schedule referenced by waterUseScheduleIdRef defines a hot water use fraction schedule, which when combined with the value of PeakDomesticHotWaterFlow fully describe the hot water use of this building. Occupancy of the space Amount of heat added to the space by people Percent of original building shell used in renovation Used to represent part load performance The rate water vapor is allowed through a surface Contains information about people that created and modified this file Geometry data in ifcXML format. All data is global, with the assumption that positive X is East, positive Y is North, and positive Z is up. If geometry is to be precise, use Longitude, Latitude, and Elevation in the Location element to define the origin. Otherwise the origin is an arbitrary point. Use PlanarGeometry to define a three dimensional polygon that lies on a plane. The PointData element allows for graph or tabular information to be entered. The data type and units of the independent and dependant variables are defined in their respective elements. Each Data element represent a data point, with each Value element representing the value of a variable - starting with the independant variable, then each dependant variable listed in the order defined. This is a list of coordinates that make up a polygon in three-dimensional space. All coordinates must lie on the same plane. The right-hand rule applies for defining the outward normal of a surface: For every surface, points must be defined in order, such that the direction of (the average cross-product between (any point, the centroid of the surface, and the next point)) points in the direction of the outward normal, which is a vector pointing away from the associated space. Of course, this must only hold for surfaces touching the exterior (only one SpaceId element). IfcPolyLoop the ratio of the total amount of void space in a material (due to poses, small channels, and so on) to the bulk volume occupied by the material. Maximum consumption of energy (power input) ID for a resource meter Prandtl number as a function of temperature Use this element to describe how the air pressure is controlled. The temperatures specified in this element should be measured just upstream of the air handlers. Contains information about programs that created and modified this file Geometry data in a form typically used in simulation engines. For surfaces, specify the location of the bottom-left corner with the CartesianPoint element when facing it from the outside. Also for surfaces, Tilt and Azimuth must be specified. For openings, the third Coordinate should be zero or left missing. These Coordinates represent the distance of the bottom-left of the opening starting at the bottom-left corner of the parent surface. Azimuth and Tilt should not be specified for opening. There is an optional PolyLoop element, which may be used for describing the polygon shape of the surface. This is a two-dimensional polygon, with the origin at the point specified with RectangularGeometry/CartesianPoint. Use the startTime attribute to define the start of the first Value element. This specifies the duration of time between each Value element. This is required if more than one Value element exists in a this Results element. Roughness of the outside surface Resistance of material The ShadeControl element is a bit complex, as shading control is handled differently in different simulation engines. Each child of ShadeControl represents a criteria to help determine if the shades will be open or closed. The resulting shade action should be a union of these. Example: You have included a ShadeSchedule, which is a 1 on weekdays and a 0 on weekends, and a SolarOnOpening. The shade will be drawn when the solar radiation on this opening is greater than SolarOnOpening and it is a weekday. Use this element to define schedules for a shade. List of year schedules that make up an entire calendar year. Value for one block of time. Divides a day evenly into number of ScheduleValue elements defined in DaySchedule. Example: If 12 ScheduleValue elements are defined, each will represent two hours Distance from outside surface of window to outside surface of wall Shading coefficient Geometry data in ifcXML format. All data is global, with the assumption that positive X is East, positive Y is North, and positive Z is up. If geometry is to be precise, use Longitude, Latitude, and Elevation in the Location element to define the origin. Otherwise the origin is an arbitrary point. ShellGeometry is used to define a closed shell. Solar heat gain coefficient Amount of solar radiation striking the opening before a shade is closed. A space represents a volume enclosed by surfaces. Use this element to define the shell of the space. spaceType represents how a space is used. IfcPolyLoop, an IESNA and ASHRAE project for determining lighting power density for individual spaces. ID for the schedule of transmittance of a shading surface ID of the schedule for lights contained in this space ID for schedule of equipment use ID for schedule of people in this space Identifier pointing to a construction ID for the schedule of transmittance of a shading surface This attribute specifies whether or not direct beam radiation from the sun will ever hit this surface. Only relevant to exterior surface types. Temperature Use this element to describe how the temperature is controlled. The temperatures specified in this element should be measured just upstream of the most critical piece of equipment (air handlers for a chilled water and hot water loops, the chiller for the cooling water loop). The number of degrees from up that the outside of the surface is tilted in relation to the bottom-left corner. Time or period that results represent. Example: if timeType = Month and TimeIncrement = 1 the Value would be for the month of January or if timeType = Hour and TimeIncrement = 4 the 81st the Value would be for January 14 at noon. Transmittance of shading surface Public transportation ID for the schedule of transmittance of a shading surface We have left the UtilityRate element open to allow for use with billing schemas. Overall conductance Contains the actual numerical result value. If series result type each Value element contains the one value and is in sequential order for the series. Plants, trees, etc. on a campus Refers to a building-level surface. Viscosity as a function of temperature Specifies the volume of the space. This value should be equal to the volume enclosed by the actual physical boundries of the space, as defined by the volumetric model's interior surfaces bounding that space. Waste water heat recovery efficiency ID pointing to an air loop ID pointing to a hydronic loop This includes blowdown (draining a cooling tower to clean), drift (water loss from water sprayed), and evaporation in cooling towers. Amount of water used for water using equipment per cycle of operation. Set of day schedules all assigned to a unique particular period of the week using the day type attribute. Do not schedule conflicting day types to the same week schedule. One WindowType should be created for each type of window. Create a Blind, Frame, and Cost for each OpeningType, and then add as many Glaze and Gaps as exist in the window. Place these Glaze and Gap elements in order from outside to inside. For instance, a two pane window will have Glaze Gap Glaze, where the first Glaze represents the outside surface. Use this attribute to reference objects in the DOE2 library Year of simulation to use Set of week schedules all assigned for a particular time period during the year defined by the begin and end date elements. These must not span more than one calendar year. ID of heating schedule Design temperature for cooling Outside air schedule ID ID of the fan schedule for this zone Minimum cooling load that triggers the shades to close